Revolutionize your communication infrastructure with the power of IP PBX

Enhanced productivity, and cost-effective scalability at your fingertips.
Three primary advantages
There are numerous benefits. Here are three compelling reasons why you need to upgrade your existing digital communication infrastructure or set up a new one.
Future proof
it's 2024, everything runs on IP, analog is old school.
Easy to scale
Simply point and click to add users and trunks effortlessly.
Simple Administration
Web-based administration is available; command-line usage is optional and caters to tech enthusiasts.
Main Features
Features based on IX160 and IX160P models
  • 1
    1.83GHz Intel(R) Celeron(R) N2930
    or 3.20 GHz Intel(R) i5
  • 2
    Analog Ports
    Max Analog Ports 48
  • 3
    User Capacity
    200 or 1,200 users
  • 4
    Call Capacity
    120 or 600 concurrent calls
  • 5
    Up to 8GB DDR3L 1333
    Up to 32GB DDR4 2400
  • 6
    Software & Platform

    OpenVox UC system, Issabel,FreePBX,VitalPBX,Elastix,BrikerPBX

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